Übersetzungen für Industrie und Wirtschaft
Brückenstraße 22
90768 Fürth
Tel.: +49 911 974 99 45
Das TextimFluss Team
Deutsch (DE-CH-AT)English (United Kingdom)
Quality Objectives PDF Print

It is our objective, through high-quality language services, to be a reliable partner for our customers, and through our activities to provide a livelihood for our project managers and regular translators, and to ensure a financially stable environment.

External Objectives

TEXTimFLUSS GmbH is exclusively geared to the customers' needs. Consistently ensuring and continually improving customer satisfaction are among our top company principles.

Internal Objectives

We work with all our staff members in a cooperative partnership on the basis of freelance contracts. The processes are transparent and the staff is involved in virtually all company decisions.

We All Pull Together

We All Pull Together

Our outstanding teamwork and mutual respect make for an exceptional office atmosphere. The pleasure that our highly motivated and satisfied co-workers take in their jobs, along with the dedication to the interest of our customers, is reflected in our excellent work results.

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